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PCB Design 101 – Crash Course for Hobbyists


Printed circuit board (PCB) design brings your circuit schematics to life in the physical form. Using layout software, the PCB design process combines component placement and routing to define electrical connectivity on a manufactured circuit board. It is a handy skill for any engineering student exploring the world of robotics or anyone interested in making electronic devices of their own design.
“PCB Design 101 – Crash Course for Hobbyists” is designed to introduce the enthusiastic hobbyists to the basic steps of PCB designing. It is targeted for people who have worked with electronics or robotics before, but have not designed a PCB themselves. The course includes 3 live sessions, 2 assignments and one project which will guide the participants step by step using Proteus Design Suit. Participants are required to complete all assignments and projects within the course duration for successful completion. Participants will be graded according to performance and ones completing the assignments successfully will be provided with certificates.
Course timeline:
24-08 live session 1
25-08 live session 2
27-08 live session 3
30-08 project submission

Speaker Profile

Farhan Fuad Abir
Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Dhaka

Recorded Session