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Blockchain for Robotic Process Automation | Why, How and Prospects


Are you interested in exploring the possibilities of Blockchain in Robotics?
We are arranging a webinar to talk about why and how Blockchain can be used in Robotic Process Automation and the prospects of it in this field.
With the rapid change in the technology landscape, it makes one wonder that which technology will take the lead. Though it is challenging to predict, experts feel that technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain would be the leaders and influence the ecosystem. It is also anticipated that the robots will play an essential role in changing many industrial applications and with their heterogeneous characteristics, it seems that they will be ideal for many future applications. And when a ground-breaking technology like blockchain gets combined with robotics, it will make the robotic operations more secure, flexible, autonomous, and even profitable.
The blockchain is a relatively new technology as compared to robotics. The networks are combined with cryptographic algorithms and the parties involved can reach an agreement on a particular transaction and even record that agreement without any centralized authority for control. This technology along with robotics has the potential to redesign the digital business altogether.

Speaker Profile

BM Mainul Hossain, PhD
Associate Professor
Institute of Information Technology (IIT)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Recorded Session