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How Do Technologist Remain Relevant in the Face of Utter Crisis?


IEEE SB DU is proud to present a webinar on “How Do Technologist Remain Relevant in the Face of Utter Crisis?” on 04 June 2020, Thursday, 8:00 PM BST onwards.


***The event is open and free for all. The webinar will be hosted by 

Dr. Md. Atiqur Rahman Ahad  

Professor, Dept. of EEE, University of Dhaka 

Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Osaka University, Japan. ***


Date: 04 May 2020, Thursday

Time: 8:00 PM BST onwards

The event will be hosted on Zoom for active participation, and the audience would also be able to view it on Facebook Live.

Webinar Link:

Meeting ID: 692 4316 9208


1. Always keep your mic mute while you are not speaking

2. Use good headphones for better audio quality

3. Please sit face up to the window or light source

4. Adjust camera angle to make sure you’re on camera


Along with the obvious health concerns, the present global pandemic poses a threat to many of our personal and professional lives. There has been a drastic change in consumer behavior in the face of this global crisis. This resulted in many businesses going bankrupt or fighting to survive, whilst some other businesses managed to grow despite the challenges. One of the effects of the pandemic is a rapid jump in demand for pure technologists in their jobs. Dr. Asif Naimur Rashid  will be talking about how the Telecom & IT sectors are trying out new initiatives in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, how the post-COVID world will shape up to be and how it is relevant for technologists today.

Speaker Profile

Dr. Asif Naimur Rashid

CIO, Robi Axiata Limited
Managing Director, Red Dot Digital Limited
Ph.D., California Southern University, California, USA
MBA, Royal Roads University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
MSc, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
BSc, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, University of Dhaka


Dr. Asif Naimur Rashid is currently working as the CIO of Robi Axiata Limited, the second-largest Mobile Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh. He is also playing a dual role as the Managing Director of Red Dot Digital Limited, a 100% owned subsidiary of Robi Axiata. He is a member of the management council of Robi Axiata and sits in the Board of Directors of Red Dot Digital Limited. Robi Axiata is a subsidiary of Axiata Group, an MNC with its Head Quarter in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dr. Asif has been working in the field of IT & Telecommunications for about 20 years. Before joining Robi Axiata, Dr. Asif has worked in Telenor Myanmar, Telenor HQ, Grameenphone, Siemens AG, and Mentors’ Technologies at home and abroad. He considers himself a lateral thinker in the space of Information Technology and Digital Transformation, and constantly works to update and enhance deeper understanding in this field.
Dr. Asif has a bachelor’s degree with hon’s in Applied Physics and Electronics from the University of Dhaka, a master’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Technology, Sydney, an MBA in Executive Management from Royal Roads University, Vancouver, British Columbia, and a Doctoral degree in the field of Artificial Intelligence from California Southern University, California. Aside, he has attended the National University of Singapore, INSEAD Business School & MIT Sloan School of Management for advanced technology and leadership programs on numerous occasions and regularly speaks at national and international technology events. In his personal life, Dr. Asif is married and blessed with three children.

Recorded Session