IEEE Student Branch DU is proud to organize a webinar on “Applications and Research Prospects of Smart Grid Cyber-Security in North America”, conducted by Mohammed Mustafa Hussain. The webinar will be conducted on Saturday, 27 March 2021, 9:00 pm BST – hosted in Zoom as well as Facebook Live.
Time: 9:00 pm (BST)
Date: 27 March, 2021, Saturday
Zoom Meeting ID: 647 5387 3848
Zoom Link:
In this webinar, we will try to explore the impact of cyber vulnerabilities in physical power systems. We will discuss the applications of different computer science domains in power systems such as cyber-security, communication networking, big data, machine learning, etc. Also, we will be discussing physical power system research prospects, including a list of active research groups in the US and CANADA that actively recruits students each year in this field. We will also discuss the skills that students might need to approach a career in this field or to get a PhD/MS position in North America.
The power system is one of the critical infrastructures and most complex Cyber-Physical systems, especially in North America. Due to advanced automation and programmable intelligence being introduced in power system technologies, we started calling it “The Smart Grid”. But also, the smart grid is a combination of numerous electrical and computer science technologies bridged together, makes it more vulnerable to cyber-attacks in different domains causing huge financial losses in North America. We will be focusing on this topic in this webinar and welcome your feedback regarding your interests in relevant topics