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Integrated Energy System Solutions for Smart Energy Communities


IEEE SB DU is proud to organize a webinar on “Integrated energy system solutions for smart energy communities”, conducted by Dr. Shafi Khadem. The webinar will be conducted on Saturday, 03 April 2021, 7:00 pm BST – hosted in Zoom as well as Facebook Live.
Time: 7:00 pm (BST)
Date: 03 April, 2021, Saturday
Zoom Meeting ID: 667 9170 6606
Zoom Link:
Research on empowering energy citizens is carrying out by introducing the ideas of smart buildings, smart energy communities, smart cities, etc. to achieve the target of decarbonizing the smart grid network. Hence, for better operation and management, consumers/prosumers with multiple distributed energy resources in the distribution network can be coordinated to form an integrated energy system (IES) solutions, for example, microgrids, local energy networks and virtual power plants (VPPs), etc. Local consumers/prosumers and communities can be engaged with these solutions to empower energy citizens or uplift smart energy communities to become “zero net energy” or “energy plus” communities. Series of lectures will be presented on this topic. This lecture will provide some basic information on microgrids and VPPs.

Speaker Profile

Shafi Khadem, PhD.

Leading Researcher,
Embedded and Distributed Generation Systems (EDGE) Group,
International Energy Research Centre (IERC)


Shafi Khadem, PhD leads the Embedded and Distributed Generation Systems (EDGE) Group in International Energy Research Centre (IERC), Tyndall National Institute, Ireland. He is research active in the area of smart grid networks with a special focus on grid stability and power quality, distributed energy resources integration, microgrids, VPPs solutions for smart energy communities. His interest also includes the grid services, local and wholesale energy markets. He has been serving as the principal investigator, lead researcher, and work package leader in multiple National, EU, and International projects. He is a member of the ETIP SNET (The European Technology & Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition), a senior member of IEEE, power and energy society, associate editor – IEEE Access, and national lead of IEA Task GO-P2P.