We are happy to announce that IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter will organize a webinar on “Be Vigilant about IEEE vTools” on 14 July 2021.IEEE Student Branch, University of Dhaka, and IEEE Computer Society Student Branch, University of Dhaka will host this event. It will be co-hosted by all the other chapters of the University of Dhaka. IEEE CS SBC BUBT and IEEE CS SBC RUET are also the co-host of this eventHere, our goal is to make the IEEE volunteers aware of the facilities and usefulness of IEEE Vtools (Volunteer tools). On this occasion, we wish that our honorable speaker will explain clearly what IEEE vTools is and why it is essential for IEEE volunteers.IEEE volunteer tools aka IEEE vTools are sponsored by IEEE Membership and Geographic Activities (MGA), which simplify the administrative tasks to the volunteers via use of online tools and assist in member development activities. It serves the needs of IEEE members by supporting IEEE Regions, Councils, Areas, Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters and offers a set of web-based tools in order to reduce time spent on managing local activities and organizational efforts. By using this toolbox, volunteers can create and manage local meetings, distribute newsletters or any notices, check IEEE membership validation, open online surveys, WebInABox sites, run elections, and so on.In this training session, we will try to explore all the necessary tools in a practical manner that can ease our volunteering and leadership activities to run IEEE organizational units.
Speaker Profile-
Md. Saidur Rahman Kohinoor
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Leading University, Sylhet
Date : July 14, 2021
Time : 8 pm
Platform : Zoom
Registration Deadline: July 12, 2021