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Benefits of IEEE Membership


IEEE SB DU is proud to organize a webinar on “Benefits of IEEE Membership”, conducted by Md. Sadman Siraj. The webinar will be conducted on Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 7:30 pm BST – hosted in Zoom as well as Facebook Live.
Time: 7:30 pm (BST)
Date: 22 June, 2021, Tuesday
Zoom Meeting ID: 623 3044 8212
Password: 823025
In the spring of 1884, as the electrical power and the telephone industry began to boom, a group of experts in electrical professions agreed to form a technical organization called AIEE (American Institute of Electrical Engineers) that would support professionals in their efforts to benefit humanity through innovation and development. In 1912, with the development of Marconi’s radio, a new institution called IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers) was born. Together, on 1 January 1963, the AIEE and the IRE merged to form the present-day IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), currently the largest technical professional organization in the world.
IEEE offers its members a lucrative package of benefits. IEEE allows you to you stay technically updated with the latest endeavors in the tech world with the help of numerous e-books and magazines and online resources such as IEEE Xplore. IEEE also offers several awards and scholarships to its members – international recognition that can help boost their careers in the future. Events organized by IEEE sections and student branches can help members connect with other experts and professionals, and network for career opportunities. Students and professional members of IEEE also discount on many technical resources and might reap the benefits of reduced registration fees in technical conferences.

Speaker Profile

Md. Sadman Siraj

Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Dhaka
Former Chair
IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka

Md. Sadman Siraj has been involved in IEEE ever since his freshman year in the University of Dhaka. He was a student member of IEEE in 2016. In 2017 and 2018, he served as the Webmaster and the Student Activity Secretary of the IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka, respectively. In the years 2019 and 2020, he was elected as the Chair of the IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka.
Md. Sadman Siraj was also a Newsletter Editor of IEEE Bangladesh Section in 2019, and a part of the IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Activity Committee in 2020