IEEE SB DU Election 2021

*Applicable for members of IEEE SB DU only and its affiliated societies/chapters only*
IEEE SB DU is happy to announce that the election for the IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka Executive Committee 2021 and its affiliated societies and chapters (WIE, SIGHT, RAS, EDS) was held from May 03, 2021, Monday to May 28, 2021, Friday.
The election process consisted of three parts: the Nomination Process, the Voting Process, and the Announcement of Results.

The Nomination Process
The Nominations for the Executive Committee was collected during the following time frame:
Date: May 03 – May 10, 2021

The Voting Process
The online voting for the IEEE SB DU Executive Committee 2021 was held after all the nominations are collected and sorted. The voting was held during the following time frame:
Date: May 18 – May 25, 2021
The voting was carried out online using the IEEE vTools platform. IEEE vTools.Voting is an online tool developed by IEEE that allow members to elect officers online. The members are provided with electronic ballots, which they can then submit to vote for their desired candidate.
All members of IEEE Student Branch University of Dhaka are eligible to vote for a suitable candidate in the election.

Announcement of Results
The results of the IEEE SB DU Executive Committee Election 2021 was announced on the following date:
Date: May 28, 2021, Friday

To view current and previous Executive Committees
