The seminar and workshop will be conducted by JBRATRC- Japan Bangladesh Robotics and Advance Technology Research Center. Students from all engineering departments are allowed to join the seminar and workshop.
Seminar Speakers & Topics:
1. Walking Dynamics Robot Gait Generation by Engineer Mohammad Farhan Ferdous (Founder and Chairman of JBRATRC), Japan
2. Artificial Intelligence: Future of tomorrow by Fakir Mashuque Alamgir (Assistant Professor, EEE, EWU & Advisor of JBRATRC)
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Internet of Things (IOT) used in Drone by Zubayer Al Billal Khan (Sr. Embedded System Engineer, Me-solshare Ltd & Technical Advisor of JBRATRC)
Workshop Topic: IoT (Internet of Things)
Dr. Mohammad Salah Uddin (Assistant Professor, CSE, EWU & Advisor of JBRATRC)
Training Coordinator:
A.S.M Ahsanul Akib (Technical Director of JBRATRC)