IEEE SB DU is proud to organize a webinar on “IEEE Impact: Career Development Through Volunteering”, conducted by Mohamed Sief, Chairman, IEEE PES Membership Development Committee; Co-founder of IEEE Egypt Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT). The webinar will be conducted on Friday, 22 October 2021, 9:00 pm BST – hosted in Zoom.We’ve always talked about the benefits of IEEE membership. Still, if you’re curious about how it actually helps us advance in our careers, this event is your chance to peer through the window of opportunities.IEEE is a collaborative effort resulting from numerous volunteer efforts. Immersion volunteering here has a wide range of implications in both personal and professional lives. You name any early life professional skill, and it can always be tied back to IEEE volunteering, whether it’s developing new contacts, building networks, or growing a career.It’s easiest to grasp the impact of IEEE volunteering when you see it in action or a live example. And here comes our speaker, Mohamed Sief, to assist us in better understanding it.
Short Biography:
Mohamed Sief is an electric power engineer at the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. He graduated from the faculty of Engineering, Ain shams university, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Power and Machines Engineering in 2011. He has been an IEEE volunteer in many IEEE activities since 2009.
He is a member of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), Industry Applications Society (IAS) and IEEE Transportation Electrification Community (TEC).He represented IEEE PES and IAS during many IEEE congresses and conferences. Since 2018, He is serving as IEEE PES Membership Development Committee chairman.
He was co-founder of IEEE Egypt Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) in 2017. He leads a humanitarian project in Egypt that provides electricity to the poor villages through OFF-Grid Photovoltaic Systems.
Here is the registration link: https://forms.gle/AXhMEL7PSuR1DJpQ7
He will assist us in delving deeper into the benefits of IEEE volunteering by sharing his IEEE experience with PES via the IEEE benefits. He will discuss everything one can wonder about how he came to be who he is at the moment.Later, In our Q&A session, our speaker, as always, will be happy to answer any of your questions.